
/// Describes the appearance attributes for the tabBar to use when an observable scroll view is scrolled to the bottom. If not set, standardAppearance will be used instead.
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, copy, nullable) UITabBarAppearance *scrollEdgeAppearance UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR API_AVAILABLE(ios(15.0));
When a tab bar controller contains a tab bar and a scroll view, part of the scroll view’s content appears underneath the tab bar. If the edge of the scrolled content reaches that bar, UIKit applies the appearance settings in this property.
If the value of this property is nil, UIKit uses the value of the tab bar’s standardAppearance property, modified to have a transparent background. If no tab bar controller manages your tab bar, UIKit ignores this property and uses the tab bar’s standard appearance.
You can customize the appearance for specific tab bar items with the scrollEdgeAppearance property of UITabBarItem.
其中有这样一句话:If the value of this property is nil
, UIKit uses the value of the tab bar’s standardAppearance
property, modified to have a transparent background. 如果这个属性为nil,UIKit将使用standardAppearance
if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
self.tabBar.scrollEdgeAppearance = self.tabBar.standardAppearance;
if (@available(iOS 15.0, *)) {
UITabBarAppearance * appearance = [UITabBarAppearance new];
// appearance.backgroundImage = [Tools imageWithColor:[ColorUtil bgColor]];//设置背景图片也可
appearance.backgroundColor = [ColorUtil bgColor];//设置背景颜色也可以
self.tabBar.scrollEdgeAppearance = appearance;
